Thank you for your interest in submitting a paper abstract for consideration by the Program Committee. The committee will only consider submissions with complete contact information for all authors and co-authors.
As you create your poster proposal, we encourage you to 1) collect this information in a document saved to your computer, and then 2) copy and paste that information into this submission form.
Additionally, please note that LERA requires all paper presenters to register and pay for their own registration at the annual meeting, and that to submit a paper for consideration to the program committee, at least one paper author should be a LERA member. Thank you so much for your consideration of this guideline, as LERA would not be able to provide the programs we do without the support of our LERA members.
If your paper is invited to be presented in the special poster session format at the LERA Annual Meeting, we will also invite you to publish it in the Proceedings of the LERA Meetings.
1. Please submit the poster title and 300-word abstract.
2. Please list complete author and co-author information (affiliations, mailing addresses, email addresses, phone numbers), in the appropriate 'author order', so that we may list them correctly in the printed program.
4. If you have other information to submit about this session that will not 'fit' neatly into the e-form, please include it at the very end of the e-form in 'other comments and notes'.
5. A copy of your proposal will be emailed to you after you submit this form. You may wish to print or electronically keep this email as your record of submission.
STOP! Do you have complete information (paper title, abstract, contact information for all authors, etc.) before you begin? You will not be able to save this form and come back to it.
Click HERE to clear this form
Please fill in information about each submission below. The submission may have co-authors to list in addition to the presenter.
PAPER WITH MULTIPLE AUTHORS? If YES, you must list ALL authors/co-authors, IN AUTHOR ORDER, so that we may reproduce this accurately in the program, and include the appropriate affiliations and contact information for each author/co-author in the list. Please click the radio button indicating which author is presenting the paper. **Program Committee will not consider paper proposals that have incomplete author information!**
Choose the area(s) of primary interest your poster targets:
As a help promoting the sessions, choose the area(s) of other interest(s) your poster covers:
Thanks for your efforts so far! You will have completed the submission process once you click the 'submit' button below.
When you submit this form, a copy of the information you are submitting will be emailed to you.